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Sunday, 31 January 2010 @ 12:42 pm
Helloz~Remember that there is two test next week~~ MADNESS Maths n Science Maybe there is also Higher Chinese Test LOL Busy Day for everyone Oh yarh! I forgot~~ LOL Today is Shaun's Birthday~!~~! Happie Birthday Shaun!~ ^__________________^ ~Keep Movin~ Labels: ~Funny Days--Funny Face~ back to top? |
Thursday, 28 January 2010 @ 11:32 pm
-Final Teaching- -Second Final Day-
Today is the last day Ms Low is teaching us...._. sadddzzz Another teacher will take over... X______X no more freedom~~ LOLZ Remember! There's two test next week! n i realise that we are getting busier Everyday!! From Monday to Friday! Madness!! X_____________________X kks Remember to say a farewell bade to Ms Low before she leave tomorrow!! >_________< Labels: ~Horror Awaits Us~ back to top? |
Tuesday, 26 January 2010 @ 9:22 pm
HiHi,Ok, we got a good for the class decoration contest, and next for the Chinese new year one we going to get a better one! So, for that, we going to put in even more effort into it. =D Something to note for, please bring any red packets, colour papers, or any other kinds of Chinese new year decoration. We need that for the next decoration. ^^ Er, I not sure when we will start decorating. JIA YOU, 2E5!!! =) Ok, another thing about the class birthday celebration. How do you all want to celebrate? A cake or presents or others? It going to be the end of Jan, coming to Feb. I thought of buying a cake and celebrate it for people birthdays on Jan and Feb. If you got any other ideas to celebrate it, please do tell. =) That's all, bye. ~@DA back to top? |
Sunday, 24 January 2010 @ 7:01 pm
?Bad news or Good news?
Went to Queenstown yesterday~With an army of four...... LOL JK kk bak to point yesterday went to Queenstown to obtain more information on the class T-shirt n on the ordering Spoke to the person in the store.... Well... it didn't went well and at the same time it went well...... u mus be thinking -HUH? kk gonna explain to the class tmr but relax its gonna be done before Sec 2 camp and For sure before March!! What? too long? **** u man! the shirts take abt TWO WEEKS days to finish production! LOLOLOL relax relax!! gtg Byexxx Labels: Wait Larh deh~~~ back to top? |
Friday, 22 January 2010 @ 6:53 pm
Long Time~
[UPDATED]Its been quite a long time since i last posted a post on the blog Quite a sum of homework to pass up next week [Week 4] Like LT, Higher Chinese work n other homework which i can't really remember... LOL N there's gonna be like 3 Test on that week -Geo-Science-LT [SIAO~~] X____X Kayzz To settle the Class T-shirt There will be two time ordering for the shirt [As some of you haven't think of the additional design] But dun worri! ^^ Most of the stuff have been done~~ - - - -Nickname at the back of the shirt -Addtional Design Well we got two more to finish Gonna order the high priority shirts tomorrow [Abt 5 shirts which have already finished everything] its kinda little but better dun take risks kk damn tired Cya!! ^^ Labels: cash~design~time~colour~EFFORT back to top? |
@ 6:44 pm
LOLGG GG Good Game!! LOLOLOL within 2-3 mins time the enrichment for Air Rifle is gone LOLZZ [Can't believe how many Sec 2s spam to get it] Follow by Bowling then Tchouckball n ....... uhh can't remember LOLZZ kk Remember to bring $ n ur design next week Hard to settle stufff with the class as it is also hard for the class to make a decision LOLZZ KK Bye~~ Labels: Good Game~Good Game back to top? |
Thursday, 14 January 2010 @ 8:01 pm
Quick n Fast
Homework for today [Sian] [As Usual]-Maths [Worksheet - i think....] X_______X -Literature [Pass up on Term 1 Week 4 or 5 or 6] (i nt sure) LOLZ -I think tat's all!! [Except for those people who haven't finshed your holiday homework] [Like me! ^^] n rem to see the previous post~~~!! Labels: Labels:Labels:Labels:Labels back to top? |
@ 5:15 pm
Class Decoration
The class decoration is halfway done. 3/4 of the works are completed. Looks kind of messy, but never mind, we put in a lot of effort into it. -.- We still have the front notice board to decorate, hope all of it will be completed by next Monday. And lets hope we will get the prizes. =D And, a big thanks to the class committees and those who stayed back today to help in the decoration. Thank you.=) The next class decoration will be like in 2-3 weeks time, the Chinese New Year Class Decoration. It is like so soon. We need to tear down the Piano decoration and all the effort is wasted. -.- Plus, it take quite some time to take off the decoration. Anyway, if you have any ideas of decorating the class for Chinese new year, please give. A early note: Please bring Hong Bao, red/orange/yellow colour papers, Chinese new year decoration, and any other things you can think of. I will be collecting them next Monday onwards. Ok, I am done. Bye =) ~@DA back to top? |
Wednesday, 13 January 2010 @ 6:53 pm
First Blood First Post
YOZAA!!Today is dAY 8 [Damn Chim' to understand this days crap] dun say the blog dead arh still alive-- currently there's homework for today~ Only Maths!! [EXECPT FOR THOSE WHO STILL HAVEN'T FINISH YOUR HOLIDAY HOMEWORK][LIKE ME!! ^^] Do the The two questions on Tax in the worksheet on Income,Tax,GST,blah blah blah~~~ Shuang rite?! LOL JK I feel like i am posting crap on my first post LOL n i dun even know if that is homework for today......... X___________X LOL JK Rest well n 2E5 students plzzzz bring Newspapers, Cardboard ,n Plastic bags for Class Decoration~~ [I dun care where u get it from---can be from Garbage also] Note--- [The blog profile n links is gonna be updated] KK see u guys tmr~~ BANZAI! Labels: ~Divine Wind~ back to top? |